TerraDown embarks on a European adventure with Ektomorf’s Vivid Black Over Europe Tour!
Spanning 19 dates, 19 venues, and 19 vibrant cities across Europe, the tour will unfold from February 28th to March 18th. Joining forces with 'Tag My Heart', 'Nebulae' and the Hungarian powerhouse 'Ektomorf', TerraDown journeys from Poland to Estonia, from Lithuania across Germany to Belgium and Switzerland.
With a blend of excitement, meticulous preparation, and a hint of nerves, TerraDown is ready to make their mark on the European stage. Emerging from a period of relative obscurity caused by the challenges of the pandemic and personal matters, the band made their comeback with the release of 'Checkmate' in 2023. Now, in 2024, they raise the bar higher than ever before, ready to captivate audiences with their unique musical prowess and energy.
Don’t miss the chance to witness TerraDown on their ambitious endeavors throughout Europe!